Hunting for Conservation (HfC) is a versatile curriculum that is used in the following formats:
1) CLfT Online - Hunting for Conservation (HfC) is an online professional development program designed for university students majoring in natural resources who do not hunt. The HfC curriculum provides an understanding of the diverse values and important roles of hunting in North America. Course material is based on many of the same principles and goals of our in-person Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow (CLfT) workshops for natural resource agency employees. Content for the online program was developed by CLfT staff and over two dozen instructors and presented in the forms of video presentations, written materials, and assessments.
2) Hunting for Conservation (HfC) In-person is a 14-hour professional development program designed for natural resource professionals and university students majoring in natural resources who do not hunt. The HfC curriculum provides participants with an understanding of the diverse values and important roles of hunting in North America. Course material is based on many of the same principles and goals of our in-person Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow (CLfT) workshops for natural resource agency employees.
In both formats, participants explore the conservation theories, policy, and practices that apply to hunting and the sustainable uses of wildlife in North America.
Why should you participate in an HfC program?
- No matter what your future role in conservation, you WILL come in contact with hunters and hunting. It could be a one-time contact or a regular professional interaction. If you have no hunting experience or exposure to hunting through family or friends, learning what hunting is all about can be important.
- You will learn the historic and present role of hunting in conservation, wildlife management, and habitat protection, use, and enhancement. Hunting has a rich heritage and remains a viable, relevant activity in America.
- You will also learn in detail who hunters are, why, and how they hunt. This knowledge will assist you in career interactions with hunters and hunting interests.
- HfC is also a resume builder! Agencies and NGOs need well rounded employees who can appreciate and work with a great diversity of conservation stakeholders, including hunters.
- The Wildlife Society allows 14 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in Category l of the Certified Wildlife Biologist Renewal/ Professional Development Certificate Program.
Program Content Summary
Module 1 Motivations & Demographics of American Hunters
Module 2 Hunter Safety and Education
Firearms and Archery Demonstrations
Module 3 Hunting Methods and Equipment
Module 4 Hunting in Wildlife Conservation: Past, Present, and Future
Part 1 - Public Trust and the North American Model
Part 2 - Career Relevancy of the “User pay – Public benefit” System
Module 5 The Biological Basis of Hunting
Module 6 Wildlife Laws, Regulations, and Enforcement
Module 7 Hunter Responsibility and Ethics
Module 8 Role of Hunting in Society
Module 9 Game as Food
Module 10 Hunting Types
Part 1 – Specific Types of Hunting
Part 2 – Hunting with Dogs
Module 11 Contemporary Management Issues
Module 12 A Hunt - Before, During, and After
Module 13 Effective Communication
If you are interested and/ or have questions about taking an HfC program please contact: