Profile picture for user Laura Andersen
Firearms and hunting safety instructor
NRA, Texas Hunter ED, Texas Master Naturalist volunteer
Laura is a Certified NRA Shotgun,Rifle, Pistol, Personal protection in the Home, Personal Protection outside the Home, TX Conceal Carry instructor, and a Certified Volunteer Hunter Safety/Tree stand Instructor for Texas Parks and Wildlife. A Texas Master Naturalist. Besides the shooting sports she enjoys teaching archery, fly fishing, cooking, beekeeping. She is a big and small game hunter, and has traveled extensively to hunt and fish. She is a Certified Master Gardener in Illinois and Florida, a beekeeper and a Nationally Certified Medical Technologist. Was an elected Trustee for the Village of Campton Hills, IL, former instructor at Country Garden Cuisine cooking school. In 2018 She transitioned to Texas. She is a member of Corpus Christi, Texas Gun club, NRA, Mid-Coast Chapter as a Master Naturalist, South Texas Beekeepers and Sisters on the Fly.