Some Guy Who Cares About Various Things
Wildlife Management Institute
Matt Dunfee is the Director of Special Programs for the Wildlife Management Institute, a 101-year old, non-profit conservation organization dedicated to science-based, professional wildlife management. He serves as the Director of the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance, Co-Chair of the National Hunting and Shooting Sports Action Plan, and the Chair of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. In his current roles, Matt serves on numerous professional committees and boards including the AFWA Fish and Wildlife Health Committee, national and regional R3 Committees, the Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow Advisory Committee, and the International Hunter Education Association Standards and Research Committees. Following his leadership in developing evaluation toolkits, best practices, and strategic models for hunter and shooter R3 efforts, Matt has conducted dozens of multi-day training and information workshops for state and federal wildlife agency staff and administrators on R3 strategies, program development, evaluation, and best practices. He also makes great scrambled eggs.