The primary objective of CLfT is to provide the natural resource management professional who does not self-identify as a hunter with an understanding of the diverse and important roles hunters and the consumptive uses of wildlife play in conservation.

University programs

CLfT offers university students who have a career focus in wildlife conservation the opportunity to participate in Hunting for Conservation, a nationally recognized professional development online program. 

Professional programs

A more in-depth model focuses on professionals in leadership positions within the natural resources field who have been selected by their agencies senior staff to attend.  CLfT’s professional development workshops and online program, offer participants from a diverse background the opportunity to explore the role that hunting, angling, and trapping have in the conservation of wildlife in North America.  Each program offers a cadre of highly trained instructors, encourages open-minded and critical analysis of the social, ecological, and professional implications of hunting and how it impacts conservation.

High standards

Imperative to the success of each workshop is an absolute assurance that all information is scientifically valid, apolitical in nature, focused on conservation of wildlife, and representative of the most current natural resource policies. In addition, we ensure that all CLfT workshops maintain a safe and constructive environment that encourages the open-minded exchange of different and potentially opposing viewpoints.

Participant selection process

CLfT cooperates with universities and natural resource agencies to help identify and determine which students and staff are most appropriate for participation.