This workshop is for selected agency professionals identified by their agency to attend a CLfT Professional Development Workshop.
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

The RMEF Headquarters and Visitor Center sits on 22 acres of land along a natural mountain stream. It includes fun and interactive exhibits to learn more about elk, elk country and the role the RMEF plays in conservation. Discover the diverse wildlife that calls elk country home, explore the role we all play in conserving habitat, and connect with the rich heritage that makes the outdoors so important to so many of us. Along the way, you can hear elk bugle, test your knowledge of wildlife, identify animal tracks, feel the weight of an elk antler, and enjoy wildlife conservation films. Other highlights include an impressive display of trophy elk mounts and our gift shop featuring Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation clothing and merchandise, wildlife art, calendars, and more.
Outdoor Walking Trail
Those wanting to stretch their legs will enjoy the beautiful, wooded nature trail that winds its way around the 22-acre RMEF property. Watch for the white-tailed deer, turkeys, bald eagles, owls, trout and other wildlife that frequent the property.
5705 Grant Creek
Missoula, MT 59808
Prior to forming his own company, Bob spent 30+ years in conservation where he worked for three state wildlife agencies, two conservation NGOs and a conservation-communications consulting firm.
Being an avid hunter and angler, Bob has a deep concern about passing on our hunting and fishing heritage on to future generations, and has focused much of his recent efforts on this task.
Some of his most recent projects include:
➢ Assisted The Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports (CHASS) and the Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) develop the National Hunting and Shooting Sports Action Plan that is being used as the framework to improve recruitment, retention and re-activation (R3) programs for hunting and the shooting sports.
➢ Assisted the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) and the Aquatic resources Education Association (AREA) develop a strategic plan for angler recruitment, retention and re-activation programs.
➢ Developed Environmental Stewardship Plans for 17 outdoor shooting ranges operated by the Wildlife Resources Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
Bob can be reached at or 540-937-2139.
He has attended the Tom Brown Tracker School, learned to make primitive longbows with John McPherson, is an avid hand loader of ammunition and has spent time as a primitive rendezvous/fur trade era, muzzle loader competitor. Taking the hunt to a deeper level of satisfaction, which includes butchering and caring for ones harvested game, is a year round pursuit.
As an Endowment member of the NRA, he has instructor ratings in pistol and shotgun. After retirement from UPS, he has started Vermont Advanced Shooting Sports (V.A.S.S.), a post hunter education school, to facilitate the new shooter with limited mentoring opportunity.
Michael and his wife, Molly Cook, live on 38 acres in the Northeast Kingdom in Brighton, VT. They spend their time managing their land to sustain wildlife, hunting, fishing, shooting and enjoying the gifts that nature provides. Wild game meat in the freezer is their preferred diet.
Prior to joining BRI, Ryan obtained a PhD at Texas State University. While at Texas State, he was a Doctoral NSF Fellow working in a GK-12 program. When not in middle school classrooms getting students interested in science, Ryan was working on his dissertation which focused on body size, rumen-reticulum functions, and dietary nutrition of white-tailed deer. Prior to his doctoral work, he earned an MS from the University of Texas at San Antonio. During this period he worked for the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio performing behavioral assays on Rhesus Macaques. After receiving his bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University, Ryan worked as a Game Warden for New Mexico Department of Game and Fish until he returned to Texas to begin his master’s and doctoral work.